Automount and autounmount of usb sticks / discs 
Each partition of plugged in usb stick's should be accessible with automount.

My mountpoints will be /media/usb/part0, /media/usb/part1, ...


The fist plugged stick has two partitions. The second only one.

/media/usb/part0 ... first stick partition one
/media/usb/part1 ... first stick partition two
/media/usb/part2 ... second stick partition one

If the second stick is plugged in first:

/media/usb/part0 ... first stick partition one
/media/usb/part1 ... second stick partition one
/media/usb/part2 ... second stick partition two

ACTION=="add", BUS=="usb", SUBSYSTEM=="block", KERNEL=="sd?[0-9]*", \
NAME="%k", PROGRAM="get_usbdisc_symlink", SYMLINK+="%c", OPTIONS+="nowatch"
OPTIONS+="nowatch" avoids removal by udev of the symlink after unmounting

#!/bin/sh -e

. /lib/udev/rule_generator.functions

[ -h /dev/usbpart0 ] && \
echo usbpart$(raw_find_next_available $(ls /dev/usbpart[0-9]*)) || \
echo "usbpart0"

exit 0
#> apt-get install autofs5

/media/usb /etc/auto.usb --timeout=5 --ghost

My usb sticks will be unmounted after 5 seconds not being in use.
With "--ghost" /media/usb/partX will automatically created.

part0 -fstype=auto,noexec,nodev,nodiratime,noatime,nosuid :/dev/usbpart0
part1 -fstype=auto,noexec,nodev,nodiratime,noatime,nosuid :/dev/usbpart1
part2 -fstype=auto,noexec,nodev,nodiratime,noatime,nosuid :/dev/usbpart2
part3 -fstype=auto,noexec,nodev,nodiratime,noatime,nosuid :/dev/usbpart3
part4 -fstype=auto,noexec,nodev,nodiratime,noatime,nosuid :/dev/usbpart4
part5 -fstype=auto,noexec,nodev,nodiratime,noatime,nosuid :/dev/usbpart5
part6 -fstype=auto,noexec,nodev,nodiratime,noatime,nosuid :/dev/usbpart6
part7 -fstype=auto,noexec,nodev,nodiratime,noatime,nosuid :/dev/usbpart7
To have readwrite access for users add ",uid=$UID,gid=$GID"

For more partitions extend the lines.

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chrooted sftp only 
useradd -s /bin/false -m SFTPUSER
mkdir /home/SFTPUSER/.ssh
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -N '' -f /home/SFTPUSER/.ssh/id_rsa
chmod 600 /home/SFTPUSER/.ssh/id_rsa

Subsystem       sftp    internal-sftp

Match user SFTPUSER
PasswordAuthentication no
AllowTcpForwarding no
X11Forwarding no
ForceCommand internal-sftp
ChrootDirectory /chroot
chown root:root /chroot
mkdir /chroot/SFTPUSERDIR

echo "put FILENAME" | \
sftp -oIdentityFile=/home/SFTPUSER/.ssh/id_rsa \
-oTCPKeepAlive=no -oServerAliveInterval=15 \

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ssd optimizations 
* do partition alignment

Check if aligned at

Theodore Ts'o's blog post is somewhat misleading, as even that manufacturer's MLC SSDs have an erase block size of 512KiB (PDF), like OCZ's drives - not 128KiB. You're better off running fdisk -H 32 -S 32 /dev/sda, which will align partitions to 512KiB, and mke2fs -b 4096 -E stride=128,stripe-width=128 -t ext4 (128 * 4096B = 512KiB).

for partitioning see ... sing-fdisk

But without ATA TRIM your drive writes will decrease (depending on write usage)

The only solution seams to secure erase the whole drive and do a reinstall

* add "elevator=noop" to /boot/grub/menu.lst

Some tips i found but think this came from a myth:

* use a tempdir for logs

tmpfs /var/log tmpfs defaults,noatime,mode=0755 0 0
tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime,mode=1777 0 0
tmpfs /var/tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime,mode=1777 0 0

for dir in apparmor apt ConsoleKit cups dist-upgrade fsck installer news samba unattended-upgrades; do
mkdir -p /var/log/$dir

* Set Firefox Cache to RAM
in about:config set browser.cache.disk.enable to false

* change the file system mount options on SSDs to "noatime"

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secure rsync to only one directory 
I want to rsync to a remote host to a given directory.

ssh-keygen -t rsa
keyfilename: ~/.ssh/rsync
ssh-copy-id -i .ssh/rsync rsyncuser@remote-host

rsync files with ssh:
rsync -vaHxr --delete \
-e "ssh -i ~/.ssh/rsync -c arcfour -o Compression=no -x" \
LOCALDIR rsyncuser@remote-host:


ssh-dss 012345678...
limit access with from (optional).
On sucessfully ssh login command is executed.

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ffmpeg http Transfer-Encoding: chunked 
Today i a made a patch for ffmpeg to be able to fetch a png file from a cgi script

ffmpeg -f image2 -vcodec png -i 'http://server/cgi-bin/graph.cgi'

This didn't work because ffmpeg/libavformat/http could't handle "Transfer-Encoding: chunked"


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