script to rescue/backup a system and restore from a cd with initramfs 
Searching for a rescue system that creates a bootable CD to restore my system i found mkcdrec. Because sometimes things (mkcdrec/debian/ubuntu) changes and i had to test and patch for new mkcdrec versions, so i droped it.

Then i started to make a live CD with debian-live and make my install script by myself. I also dropped it (long boottime and had too much to hack to let it work like i wanted).

Now i had the idea to build my own script that tar's my system and builds a bootable cd. I liked the idea of initramfs to extend it like i will and it boots much faster. The only drawback is that all things are hardcoded and have to be changed for every system i backup. But its only a single script: Read More...

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#> sudo apt-get install kqemu-source kqemu-common build-essential
#> sudo module-assistant prepare kqemu
#> sudo module-assistant auto-install kqemu

KERNEL=="kqemu", NAME="%k", MODE="0660", GROUP="kqemu"

#> sudo addgroup --system kqemu
#> sudo adduser USERNAME kqemu
#> modprobe kqemu

create a qemu image:
#> qemu-img create -f qcow2 root.qcow2 20G

install with a cd:
#> qemu -hda root.qcow2 -cdrom cd.iso -boot d

boot installed system:
#> qemu -hda root.qcow2

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fast sftp 
sftp -o Ciphers=blowfish-cbc USER@HOST

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Grub Error 2: Bad file or directory type 
grub prior 0.97 only supports a inode size of 128 Bytes

To format a partition set inode size of 128 Bytes:

#> mkfs.ext3 -I 128 /dev/sda6

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ugly rename hack 
find -name 'Pic*' -exec sh -c 'mv $1 "$(echo $1 | sed s/\\./_/g | sed s/^_/\\./g | sed s/_-//g)"' {} {} \;

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